Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Let "those" people go!!!

I have done this to MYSELF, more times than I can count....I tell others, "Don't worry about what people think", and yet that is something that is very hard for most of us to do.
It's what YOU know, about YOU and your story; What YOU know happened....the WHOLE story, and not just the “factual bits”, that your “judges and juries”, want to throw at you now, and for some, the rest of your lives! 
I’ll try again….As much for myself, as for you….You MUST come to an understanding, that sometimes things happen; BAD THINGS, that change a person, and that cause them to react, and behave in such a way that is not who they truly are, at their core. Remember this when people are judging you for your mistakes…past or present. 
“Cause and Effect”….Everything is NOT an excuse for “wrong” behavior, however, there are TIMES when mitigating circumstances, cause a person’s mind to “take over”, and do whatever it takes, to protect itself emotionally….

What YOU think of yourself, is what ultimately what will define you!!! So try to let those thoughts, be POSITIVE as much as possible.  If you want to be loved, in spite of your flaws, then give YOURSELF that gift.  Forgive yourself, and then LEARN from your mistakes, and if the haters gonna keep on hatin’, then….LET ‘EM!!!  There are some people who are going to look down on you, no matter how much you may change your life, for the better.  The one’s that know your heart, are the only ones who should matter….Let the joyful sounds and feelings, that these people bring to your life, drown out the noise, of those who choose to keep on hating, and thinking they are better than you.  Life is short….Go out there, hold your head high and live it the best you can, “Find what gives you Joy….AND GO THERE”!!!! <3 ~Suzan C. Ward, CRC, CCH~ 
         Copyright © 2018 [Suzan C. Ward, CRC, CCH]. All Rights Reserved.

Read more on this subject, by clicking the link below, by blogger Callie Byrnes....

Read This If You’ve Been Judged By People Who Don’t Know The Whole Story


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Your “Authentic Self” and DOING WHAT YOU GOTTA DO

I keep hearing/seeing posts and articles on becoming your "Authentic Self"!  In many of these articles, they seem to give the impression that on the quest to becoming this self, and DOING what you are meant to do, it is as easy as simply deciding to do it and dropping “everything” that you are currently “involved” in.  That MAY very well work for some people….however, my feelings on this subject are “somewhat” (Not COMPLETELY!) different. 

Sometimes on “that path”, it is necessary to take a temporary “detour”, aka….YA GOTTA DO, WHAT YA GOT DO, TO SURVIVE!! LOL ;-) Taking care of outstanding “commitments”, AKA BILLS, is one such “detour”, on the road to living out our dreams and “calling”.  REALITY CHECK…. “You” can say all you want, “JUST DO IT”, but if you don’t have a financial “cushion”, to fall back on, whilst pursuing your dreams, you could wind up going backwards, instead of progressing. 

Other ways, may work for other people but for me….I am a “steps”, kind of gal! ;-)  It has taken a while, but I am only two “steps” away from being DEBT FREE.  If another revolving debt has the possibility of being incurred, it will be to further/add to my education, and bring me closer to living my dreams, and becoming my “Authentic Self”.

In the meantime….I am going to continue doing, what I would advise anyone else to do….DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO, AND KEEP BELIEVING IN YOUR DREAMS! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Oiling" the "Machine"! ;-)

There are certain things you can and SHOULD tell yourself; Certain "worries" you should try to let go of.  If your life is not what you want it to be, then instead of sitting around worrying, which does NOTHING, except for making you stress out more and your life much worse, make a promise/VOW to yourself, to keep moving forward and never stop trying until your last breath to make your world better.
Many times, this mentality is easier said than done.....I KNOW!  ;-)  On those occasions, allow yourself a "breather"; Acknowledge that you are a human being, and NOT a machine.  And hey, GUESS WHAT??  Even machines need routine maintenance once in a while, in order to continue functioning properly!    So, every now and then when it feels like the world is crashing in on you....TAKE A BREAK....It doesn't have to be "fancy" or expensive or complicated....Sit outside on your porch, (Or wherever) take a deep breath, "quiet your mind",  and let it focus on BEAUTY....the sound of the birds, crickets, wind in the trees, etc., and try NOT to focus on solving "issues".  This is NOT the time for that....this is the time for YOUR routine "maintenance"!
You MUST do this for yourself occasionally or much like a machine or your "wheels", you will cease to function properly....So go on and DO IT....Give yourself a "break" and BREATHE!!! :-)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Doing What I Love!

What I do for a career, was shaped by my past!  I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist....Why did I choose hypnotherapy as a career over "traditional" therapy, you may ask?!  I have always thought just a bit "outside the box", and while I feel that traditional counseling has it's place, I have also always believed in the power of "one's" own mind to "heal".  Of course some people still need a little "boost", and that's where hypnotherapy/hypnosis comes in.
What I do, is GUIDE you to use your own mind to overcome obstacles, "heal", "forsake" bad habits, etc.!  I love what I do....Some people DO for the love of money....I DO, because I LOVE what I DO!  OF COURSE, I want to make money at what I do, and I am not trying to mislead anyone by my previous statement; however, my PASSION is helping people feel better about themselves, and whether that is through hypnotherapy or providing my clients with a mini "spa experience", HELPING THEM FEEL BETTER, is what I am about and what I absolutely LOVE doing.

Seeing someone walk through my door, with the "weight of the world" on their shoulders, and then witnessing the "transformation", when their time with me is coming to a close, is nothing short of a natural "high", for me....Knowing that I have helped someone feel just a little bit better inside AND out, is the greatest "reward" I could ever receive!

Come on by, for a hypnotherapy consultation, mini "Spa Experience", or just a chat to get to know me better....The "first one" and the "last one" are free of charge! LOL ;-)

Click here, for pricing and information:

Friday, May 24, 2013

Benefits of Hypnosis

There are still people in 2013, who are apprehensive about using hypnotherapy as an alternative health treatment; This is generally because of the stereotypes, created by television, movies and in some cases, certain hypnotists, who do a disservice to the profession by creating the "impression", that masses of people can be controlled, seemly without a will of their own, to do ridiculous things, publicly; make no mistake, anyone doing something "foolish" under the "influence" of hypnosis, has ABSOLUTELY, the subconscious desire to do so!  LOL :-D  "We" cannot cause "you" to do anything that is against your own "code of ethics"....you will only accept subconsciously, what you want to. :-)

The benefits of hypnosis are numerous...here are the top 10, with the top 3 "requests" listed first; others are in no particular order:

1. Smoking Cessation - If you smoke, you most likely have another issue as well...STRESS!!  If you smoke and want to start breathing better, tasting food better and living a healthier life, this session is for you! :-)

2. Weight Loss - Weight issues are sometimes caused by medical conditions, but studies have shown that less than 1 person in 100 obese people have a "medical" cause for their obesity....most is caused by "emotions"!

3. Stress Relief - I am listing this one as the last of the top 3, because many times S-T-R-E-S-S, is the "root" of all the other "evils"!  Stress can cause serious conditions such as, high blood pressure, obesity, (Stress can produce an overabundance of Cortisol, which can play a role in overeating!) diabetes, difficulty sleeping, depression, panic attacks and a host of other unpleasant "issues"!

4.  Chronic Pain - Injuries, Arthritis, Headaches/Migraines, Fibromyalgia, etc., can be relieved by hypnosis, according to numerous scientific studies.  Chronic Pain Management Hypnotherapy is only attempted AFTER a diagnosis from your doctor and a "Permission to Treat Form" has been signed by the doctor!  

5. *PLR - 
"Past Life" issues....No this does NOT mean I am going to take you back to when you were someone in "another life"....LOL....unless you want to ;-)  What this usually means is, a "*Past Life Regression Therapy Session", to help you "move on" from negative things that have happened to you in the past, in THIS lifetime! ;-)

6. Sleep Disorders - Stress can cause sleeping problems/Sleeping problems can cause stress; either way, hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool for relaxation....relaxation means less stress and perhaps....BETTER SLEEP! ;-)

7. Behavioral Modification Sessions - Anger, Shyness, (Hypnosis for Confidence) Patience....Some behaviors are a result of certain, traumatic situations that have happened to us and we become "programmed" to react in a negative manner....These sessions are helpful in creating a new, positive way to react to our past and present situations!

8. Anxiety/Panic Attacks/Depression - I don't know many people that given the choice, would CHOSE to go on medication for these issues....yes there are some but....most would choose a healthy alternative if they thought it would really work. (IMHO)  Hypnosis is a healthy, "pain-free" alternative, with NO side effects....except "good ones"! ;-)

9. "Chemical Free"(See above) - Hypnosis is safe....No added additives or preservatives....just pure, relaxing, BLISS! LOL :-D

10. PARTNERSHIP - This is one of the biggest benefits of hypnosis....it is a "PARTNERSHIP", between you and your hypnotherapist!  You should always feel at ease and as though you are a participant in your treatment, because you ARE.  We create positive changes TOGETHER....you wanting it and being willing and open to it; I am the facilitator, YOU make it happen, by choosing to "step through the door"! :-)

Copyright © 2013, Suzan C. Ward, CCH, {Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist}. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Merry Month of May! ;-)

May 6 - 13, I will be out of the office, for my 1ST Anniversary with my wonderful Husband, at our "Honeymoon Hotel"....then, onto Charlotte, NC for the NASCAR Coca-Cola 600, for Memorial Weekend.

May is going to be a busy month, in AND out of the office....Bio-Mat Sessions are filling up fast as Summertime approaches....better book YOUR session SOON! LOL :-D

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Helping a Special Young Lady!

Been working with a young lady this week, using a couple of different methods and I have to say that I am thrilled with the results! :-)  Her disposition has already become a lot more positive, than her normal negative view of herself, and she has become much more calm, relaxed and confident, when in and in discussing potentially stressful situations.  

It is so satisfying, to know that I am helping someone feel better and getting their life back on the right track; especially someone who is so young with so much potential and so many great things ahead of her!  :-)  

As I always say to people...."I love my little office, with the meditation music playing, the soothing smell of aromatherapy oil and the tabletop fountain, lightly splashing in the background....AND I LOVE MY CLIENTS"!