Monday, February 2, 2015

My random thoughts for today:

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Just because a person goes to church every Sunday, constantly talks about religion, posts things about praying for their children, goes on mission trips, etc....does NOT make them a nice or "Godly" person. Anyone can "act the part", but it seems to me that if "one" truly has "the light, and peace that passeth all understanding" in their lives, they would not constantly be attempting to control the lives of others.
All of us have our OWN paths to follow and journeys in life....We can raise our children based on our beliefs and upbringing, but after all is said and done, when they become adults, (No matter how young of an adult!) their path is THEIR path, and not ours to try and control. Always remember that while your children may be an extension of you, they are NOT YOU!! Love them for the wonderful, beautiful individuals that they are.
My Daughter (Whom I am VERY proud of, by the way!) recently text messaged me, and used a quote that I often use about myself...."I am a work in progress"! Anyone who ceases to feel that way, until the day they die, is surely one filled with arrogance and vanity....for if you are not progressing, you are either REGRESSING or STAGNANT, and I for one do not choose to be either of the last two. Patience and understanding, can be difficult to have, when dealing with certain individuals, however as I said, I TOO am a "work in progress", and I while I slip and fall in this area, over and over, I truly do try to be a better person, each year that goes by, with the goal of "letting go".
In the field of work that I love, and desire to be in for the rest of my life, this is a MUST! I don't have to agree with how someone is conducting themselves, but I MUST allow them to journey their own path at their own pace. I can guide my clients, but as "a horse to water", I cannot make them drink, if they are not ready to do so! In closing, let me just say....
Blessings on us all, who are "works in progress"!! wink emoticon smile emoticon heart emoticon
~Suzan C. Ward, CCH, CRC~

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